Sunday, March 14, 2010

Magic of Mornings

"I love eggs! From my head down to my legs!" Remember that commercial from the 80's/90's?

I really do love eggs... I know 'they' all say they're bad for you...but there can't be much truth to that! I mean, something that tastes so good can't be that horrible for you!

My husband and I got up early for once today, and being that it's a Sunday there was no pressure for him to hustle off to work.
So I made apple smoked bacon and he made eggs!
I happen to have baby bella mushrooms in the fridge, so I cut a few of those up as well as some black olives (another one of my addictions). We mixed those with some diced tomatoes & cheddar cheese with a couple of eggs in the pan and I had a VERY tasty egg-licious breakfast!
Three pieces of apple bacon on the side along with a buttery piece of toast and a searing hot cup of coffee. Mmmm!

It was one of those mornings that you savor. Everywhere you looked from our house there was fog encasing the trees and vines. It was just beautiful.

Maybe I should get up and enjoy the magic of mornings more often. :)